When you have low capital, it’s always hard to determine what kind of business to start in Nairobi. But after observing consumer trends in the city, I can attest that cereal & vegetable business is the best venture to set up, and here is the reason.

The first and most important thing to consider before arriving at the decision to open any kind of business is how the market will respond to your new venture. Looking at Nairobi, there is a huge population which relies on cereals and vegetables for survival. 

A good number, which is estimated to be 30%, have strict instructions from the doctor to consider vegetables as an alternative to meat. Knowing very well that profits from vegetable and cereal business exceed the buying price, this is the kind of business that is ideal for anyone intending to make a living.

When it comes to capital required to start this business, I decided to ask more than 20 traders how much it took them to start. From the calculations, the average capital required to start cereals business in Nairobi is Ksh.50,000 to Ksh.150,000. This money is inclusive of rental and transportation expenses.

It is always advisable to sell cereals alongside vegetables so as to give customers a complete package.

*Where to source cereals and vegetables*

Fresh and reliable vegetables are sourced from Kisii and Kiambu County. Cereals can be sourced from Kisii, Central Kenya and Rift Valley. You can also source the cereals from Muthurwa or Gikomba market before you make enquiries on where the traders obtain their cereals from.

*Best locations to conduct the business within Nairobi*

The best locations for cereals business include Embakasi, Githurai, Kahawa West, Kawangware, South Nairobi West, Kibera, Langata ,Kayole and its environs, and Rongai. These are areas where majority of the people rely on unga from posho mill as well as vegetables.


Here is where the beauty of the business lies. The average profit made in this business depends on the capital injected on the business as well as location. If you set the business in densely populated areas like Embakasi, you will make at least Ksh.2,500 per day.

The business can generate as high as Ksh.10,000 per day if you have both cereals, vegetables and fruits.

If you are in Nairobi, instead of wasting time working for somebody while earning Ksh.20,000 per day, you can venture into this business and make a difference.

Also if you are in an area such as Kisii or Kiambu and you have a fertile piece of land, maybe it’s time you ventured into vegetables farming and make money supplying the ever growing urban population with vegetables.

*Written By*: Justine Nyachieo
Business Man & Mentor

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