Contrary to what we were brought up believing, you don’t have to make drastic changes in order to transform your life. You only need to begin with making small changes and gradually you will start seeing results of your positive actions.

But that is easier said than done which is why I have identified these 10 habits which, if you inculcate over the next 100 days starting today, can transform your life in a significant way.

Remember, we first make our habits, and then our habits make us.

10. Make it a point to acquire at least one new skill within those 100 days. Learn how to make yoghurt at home or even how to play a guitar. Visit that successful dairy farmer in your region and see how he or she does it. Or if you are mostly busy in the office you can choose to learn online skills like blogging, v-logging, online marketing or anything else you feel like. Just make sure you acquire one more skill in the next 100 days.

9. Create a list of 10 small things that you enjoy doing, and make sure that you do at least one of these things regularly for the next 100 days. Your list can include things like eating out, chatting with your long-lost friends or even taking a stroll around your area.

8. For the next 100 days, laugh more often. If possible make sure you laugh at least once a day. Look for things that tickle you up and do them more often. Doing that may look stupid for now, but is positive effects on your life are far bigger than you can imagine.

7. Decide to spend the next 100 days without complaining. Take every failure (past or present) as an opportunity to rise. Decide to get over the past and start planning for the future. If you catch yourself whining or complaining about anything, pinch your ears and remind yourself to stop doing that at least for the next 100 days.

6. In the next 100 days identify and write down 5 ways in which you regularly waste time. Going forward limit the time you spend on these activities each day and allocate more strengths to high priority tasks. For instance, if you notice that you spend too much time on Twitter or Facebook you could consider using that wasted energy to start an online business or learn some important skills.

5. For the next 100 days, stop multi-tasking and do one thing at a time without getting distracted. If you catch yourself being distracted take some time off and refresh your focus. Basically, learn to maintain your focus on few objectives and seek to deliver perfection.

4. Before you go to bed sit down and write 5 things that you are grateful for every day. This action is simple yet very powerful. It helps you to take time to notice the good things in your life and inculcate a gratitude habit for the rest of your life.

3. Before the next 100 days elapse, see to it that you do at least one kind deed for someone in need. It doesn’t have to be anything big or financially straining. For instance you can choose to donate blood to help a sick person. Or you can take a trip to a children’s home or elderly care home. Or even you can choose to collect rubbish in your town and dispose it responsibly. Just make sure you do one act of kindness in the next 100 days.

2. Spend your next 100 days listening more than talking. And just like one wise man said “When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.” So make a resolution to be more of a listener than a talker for the next 100 days and see just how much that will transform you.

1. Lastly, in the next 100 days start working on your dream business idea (if you have not already started). Go out there and start doing your research. Start something small with whatever little capital you have. If you’re planning to venture into agri-business but you don’t have a farm, spend this time to identify various places where you can lease a piece and at how much. If you have plans to create a product for the consumer market, make a point to create a prototype in the next 100 days. Whatever idea you have, go forth and pursue it.

100 days is not a long time. So start today and get moving. By simply implementing these small changes in your life, you will gradually change your attitude and begin to see things in a different way. You will become a new person and move from the state you are currently in to a new level.

*Written By*: Justine Nyachieo
Business Man & Mentor

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