If you start a consultancy business, you will be seeking to sell one thing to your clients – knowledge. For instance, if you are skilled in matters of planning a wedding then you can start a wedding consultancy firm. If you have excellent social media skills you can start a social media consultancy firm.

Likewise, if you are a good goat farmer, dating specialist, cook, security person, lawyer, doctor, engineer, IT professional or environmentalist etc. the doors are wide open for you to engage in consultancy business.

Here’s what you need to know.

*1. Your Knowledge, Your Business*

Do not start a consultancy firm in a field you’re not 100% comfortable with. The kind of knowledge you offer is what sets your business apart from the competition. If you appear knowledgeable and helpful in the eyes of your clients then definitely they are going to give you more business.

On the other hand, if you continuously give them half-baked information without much research to back it then they are going to leave you for someone else.

It is therefore imperative to be knowledgeable and experienced in your particular niche beforehand.

*2: Specialize and Perfect*

Don’t cast your net too wide. Start with a small, super-specific niche and gradually build your profile from there. For instance, it would not be wise to start a both PR, Environment Research, History of Kenya and Car Import Consultancy Firm as this might send a signal that you are not focused. Moreover, it is naturally difficult to keep track of new developments in multiple industries at a go.

So, if it is goat farming, let it be goat farming consultancy. If it is environment matters, let it be just that. Specialization will make it easier for your clients to trust you.

*3: Invest in Good Networks*

Networking is key in consultancy business since most clients come in through referrals. To ensure stable flow of demand for your services make sure you start building your networks early enough. Invest in a few business cards and keep distributing them to your potential market. 

Host a few events (these could be free events and seminars), in your area of consultancy to strengthen the bond with your target audience.

As word about your consultancy services spreads out, your business will gradually gain a footing.

*4: Invest in an Office*

Although physical offices are not mandatory in this business, it is important to have a reputable location where you can refer some of your clients to in case they need further consultations. Lack of such a location can make you seem like a fly by night warrior who is out to make some quick cash and then disappear into thin air.

If you don’t have the capital to invest in a new office then you can consider sub-letting.

*5: Blog About It*

Nothing beats blogging when it comes to establishing one’s online authority in a particular area of life. A blog makes it easier to establish a bond with your online clients. Moreover, those looking for your services via search engines such as Google can find you easily through your optimized articles. 

No matter the type of consultancy you’re embarking on, having a blog to connect with your audience is highly recommended.

*20 Examples of Consultancy Firms One Can Start in Kenya*

1. Relationship matters consultancy
2. Energy efficiency consultancy
3. Law firm
4. Health consultancy firm (in fields like ENT, Child healthcare, Fitness etc)
5. Social media consultancy
6. Search Engine Optimization consultancy
7. Business & Investment advice consultancy
8. Tours and travel consultancy
9. Fashion and beauty consultancy firm
10. Photography consultancy and services
11. Wedding planning and consultancy
12. Personal finance consultancy
13. Environment impact assessment consultancy
14. Interior design consultancy
15. Home building and plan sketching consultancy
16. Life and wellness consultancy
17. Personal security consultant
18. Talent management consultancy
19. Agri-business consultant
20. Youth empowerment consultancy

The list is as wide as the number of problems and challenges facing our society today.

*Some Basic Requirements*

Business registration – This can be done using the eCitizen Portal

Approval from relevant bodies (e.g. Kenya Medical Practitioners & Dentist Board, Law Society of Kenya etc.) and Business KRA PIN
County Council or City Council business permit – cost for this will vary depending on the size of your business
AGPO Certification – This is important if you’ll be applying for Government Tenders


The cost of starting varies depending on the type of services you want to offer. It costs more to start a consultancy firm in a professional field (e.g medicine and law) as compared to fields such as social media consultancy, etiquette management and fashion etc. 

You can expect to incur more expenses at the start as you register and market your business. As your business gains ground, the cost of operation may reduce since consultancy firms don’t require a long list of inventory.

*Is this the right business for me?*

This business is ideal for people who have garnered substantial knowledge in a particular field of life and would like to share it with the world. For instance, if you are a great cook, musician, artist, teacher, banker, hotelier, farmer, tailor, IT person, writer, poet etc and you feel that you have sufficient expertise to share with the world then this is just the right kind of business to think about.

Of course, like any other business, a consultancy firm takes time to establish. You need to be extra patient and cautious about quality of your services to win over the hearts of your potential market.

Copied from: Justine Nyachieo
Business Man & Mentor

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