A big idea or a profitable business idea is the ultimate goal of every aspiring entrepreneur. We all want to get that great idea that will lead to a great product and make us much money.
Everyone who has the big idea keeps it close to his chest while the aspiring entrepreneurs who have not gotten the big idea keep on searching for it.
After the big idea, what next?
Simple (but actually complex)
After you have discovered that big or profitable business idea and you are ready to start your business, you need one million more ideas to succeed in the business world.
Yes. To succeed in the business world, you need daily, constantly flowing ideas to remain relevant in whatever market you are playing (or fighting) in.
Let me give you some examples.
Yahoo! was a big idea. It was once the most valuable internet company in the world. Where are they today?
In the grave.
But why?
They started with a big idea but were not able to cope with daily, constantly flowing ideas.
Google killed them!
You know My Space, 2go and their likes who started social media before Facebook? They were big ideas who could not generate daily, small but significant ideas to remain relevant.
You know Nokia, don’t you? Nokia was a great idea. Where is Nokia today?
I hope you got my point.
As an entrepreneur (or aspiring one), you will not succeed simply by discovering a mighty or profitable business idea. You will only succeed by discovering DAILY, constant ideas to keep on being relevant.
Tecno mobile comes to mind here. I love Tecno. Tecno started with not a too big idea. In fact, they were known as “China phones”, meaning substandard, when they just started.
By discovering daily, constantly flowing ideas, they have successfully created a striving market for themselves in the continent of Africa.
What is my message here?
Stop thinking there is a miracle in a big or profitable business idea. You will have to be alive, active and fighting every day.
(Note the words “every day”)
You will have to wake up every day with an open mind.
As an entrepreneur, you will have to improve your business game daily, or die.